Exporter Developer Guide

Delfin is an Infrastructure Management framework developed in Python programming language. It provides a Python plugin interface for adding third party exporters. Third party exporters are required when you want to consume performance and alert data collected by Delfin in third party platforms. The third party exporter needs to implement one interfaces to push the data. Once exporter implement the interface and update required configuration file, Delfin framework will automatically pushes data to thrid party platform through this new exporter.

Third party exporter integration

SODA Delfin project already contains some exporters, which can be used as reference by new third party exporter developers.

Performance metric exporter

  • Step 1: Add exporter plugin ‘entry points’ to the file ‘setup.py’.

      'delfin.performance.exporters': [
              'ThirdParty = delfin.exporter.ThirdParty.exporter:PerformanceExporterThirdParty'
  • Step 2: Create exporter source code folder under <delfin path>/delfin/exporters/

 mkdir -p /path-to-delfin/delfin/exporters/ThirdParty
 touch /path-to-delfin/delfin/exporter/ThirdParty/__init__.py
  • Step 3: Extend base class BaseExporter defined in <delfin path>/delfin/exporter/base_exporter.py, to implement a new exporter.
from delfin.exporter import base_exporter

class PerformanceExporterThirParty(base_exporter.BaseExporter):
    def dispatch(self, ctxt, data):
        # Your logic to convert delfin performce model to third party model goes here 

Delfin performance data model and example can be find here

  • Step 4: Modify Delfin configuration: Third party platform configurations and exporter class name has to be provided in <path_to_delfin>/etc/delfin/delfin.conf as below.
# Uncomment or add exporters
performance_exporters = PerformanceExporterThirParty, #PerformanceExporterPrometheus, PerformanceExporterKafka

  • Step 5:Install delfin and start delfin services of api.py, task.py and alert.py.

     export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  • Step 6 : Testing

Register storage (fake storage for test)

 curl --location --request POST 'http://<delfin_ip>:8190/v1/storages' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"vendor": "fake_storage",
"model": "fake_driver",
"rest": {
"host" : "",
"port" : 8078,
"username" : "username",
"password" : "pass"


Register storage for performance collection

 curl --location --request PUT 'http://<delfin_ip>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/metrics-config
' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data-raw '{
"array_polling" : {

"perf_collection": true,
"interval": 10,

Ensure performance metrics are dispatched to third party throgh new exporter: verfiy from third party platform or through DEBUG print statements in exporter log to confirm the exporter is picked and data is pushed to third party.

Step 7: Raise PR with test reports to Delfin repository.

Alert data exporter

  • Step 1: Add exporter plugin ‘entry points’ to the file ‘setup.py’.

      'ThirdParty = delfin.exporter.ThirdParty.exporter'
  • Step 2: Create exporter source code folder under <delfin path>/delfin/exporters/

    mkdir -p /path-to-delfin/delfin/exporters/ThirdParty
    touch /path-to-delfin/delfin/exporter/ThirdParty/__init__.py
  • Step 3: Extend base class BaseExporter defined in <delfin path>/delfin/exporter/base_exporter.py, to implement a new exporter.

from delfin.exporter import base_exporter

class AlertExporterThirParty(base_exporter.BaseExporter):
    def dispatch(self, ctxt, data):
        # Your logic to convert delfin alert model to third party model goes here 

Note: Delfin Alert data model can be refered here

  • Step 4: Modify Delfin configuration Thir party platform configurations and exporter class name has to be provided in <path_to_delfin>/etc/delfin/delfin.conf as below.
# Uncomment or add exporters
alert_exporters = AlertExporterThirParty

  • Step 5: Install delfin and start delfin services of api.py, task.py and alert.py.

     export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  • Step 6: Testing

Register storage (fake storage for test)

 curl --location --request POST 'http://<delfin_ip>:8190/v1/storages' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"vendor": "fake_storage",
"model": "fake_driver",
"rest": {
"host" : "",
"port" : 8078,
"username" : "username",
"password" : "pass"


Sync alerts

 curl --location --request POST 'http://<delfin_ip>:8190/v1/storages/<storage_id>/alerts/sync' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data-raw '{
"begin_time" : 0,
"end_time" : 99999999


Ensure alert data are dispatched to third party through new exporter verfiy from third party platform or through DEBUG print statements in exporter log to confirm the exporter is picked and data is pushed to third party.

  • Step 7 : Raise PR with test reports to Delfin repository.

How it works

Third party exporter modules are installed with delfin . Delfin framework pushes collected data to base_exporter. base_exporter has list of all available and configured exporters. base_exporter will push data to all configured exporters.


Pluggable design of exporter makes it easy to add third party exporters expanding infrastructure management capabilities of SODA Delfin to multiple data consumers.