delfin (Dolphin in Spanish!), the SODA Infrastructure Manager project is an open source project to provide unified, intelligent and scalable resource management, alert and performance monitoring. It covers the resource management of all the storage backends & other infrastructures under SODA deployment. It also provides the alert management and metric data(performance/health) for monitoring and further analysis.
It provides unified APIs to access, export and connect with clients as well as a set of interfaces for various driver additions. These APIs combined with the SODA Dashboard provide a graphical interface that allows users to manage storage backends and visualize the metrics and health.
Currently supported vendors include Dell EMC
, Huawei
, Hitachi
, Fujitsu
, NetApp
, Pure Storage
To register a storage device select one of the Vendor and one of the models listed.
Depending on the vendor and model enter the access info. Delfin supports both REST and SSH methods.
For devices that utilise the REST access mechanism the following parameters are needed:
- Host IP: IP address of the storage device
- Port: Port on the device which is accessible
- Username: Valid username
- Password: Valid Password
For devices that utilise the SSH access mechanism the following parameters are needed:
- Host IP: IP address of the storage device
- Port: Port on the device which is accessible
- Username: Valid username
- Password: Valid Password
- Public Key Type: Delfin supports public key authentication of SSH. Valid Pub key types are ssh-ed25519
, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
, ssh-rsa
, ssh-dss
- Public Key: valid public key based on the type selected.
The storage summary page is an aggregated view of all the storage devices, alerts, usable and raw capacities. This page contains a default Grid View and an alternate List View.
This is where you view the storage summary
The Grid View has 4 different widgets:
The tree view widget displays all the registered storage arrays categorised by Vendor and Model.
Model Overview
Hovering on the model name of the storage device shows an overview panel with quick information about the model of storage device and aggregated stats of all the storage devices of that model as follows;
Device Overview
Hovering on the device name in the tree view shows an overview panel with quick information about the storage device. The following information is shown:
On clicking the >
symbol to the left the tree view expands to show the resources of a Storage Array. The following resources and the counts can be seen:
Hovering on the Volumes parent element will show a quick overview panel with the follwoing information:
Hovering on the Storage pools parent element will show a quick overview panel with the following information:
Expanding the Volumes, Storage Pools, Controllers, Ports and Disks parent nodes will display the respective list of individual nodes.
Hovering on them will show a quick overview panel with relevant information (as shown below)
Volume Quick Overview
Storage Pool Quick Overview
Controller Quick Overview
Port Quick Overview
Disk Quick Overview
This widget displays a table with the latest active alerts that are reported by delfin and generated by the Prometheus / Alertmanager rules.
This widget lists the storage arrays and displays the usable capacity summary for each device.
This widget lists the storage arrays and displays the raw capacity summary for each device.
Switching to the list view displays all the storage devices and alerts ina tabular way.
All Storage Devices
Storage Device Details - Expanded
All Active Alerts
Alert Details - Expanded
Actions are available in the right-click menu in tree view and by clicking on “More” under the operations column in the list view table.
The following actions are supported:
List View Actions
Tree View Actions
The parameters that are needed for Registering a SNMPV2C alert source
- Host: IP address of the Host
- Commnity String: Community string. This should be filled if version is V2C
- Port: Port for connecting to alert source By default, set to 161
- Max retries: Maximum number of retries while connecting to alert source By default, set to 1
- Context name: Context name of the alert source
- Expiration time (sec) : Expiration time (in sec) for one alert source connect request By default, set to 2
The parameters that are needed for registering a SNMPV3 alert source
- Host: IP address of the Host
- Username: SNMPV3 username.
- Engine ID: Engind ID of the device which will be sending the traps. Must be a hexadecimal octet string.
- Security Level: Security level for the user. Supported Security levels are noAuthnoPriv
, authNoPriv
, authPriv
- Auth Protocol: Enabled if security level is authNoPriv
or authPriv
. Supported protocols are HMACSHA
, HMCSHA2224
, HMCSHA2256
, HMCSHA2384
, HMCSHA2512
- Auth Key: The appropriate authentication key based on the selected auth protocol.
- Privacy Protocol: Enabled if security level is authPriv
. Supported protocols are DES
, AES192
, AES256
, 3DES
- Privacy Key: The appropriate privacy key based on the selected privacy protocol.
- Port: Port for connecting to alert source By default, set to 161
- Max retries: Maximum number of retries while connecting to alert source By default, set to 1
- Context name: Context name of the alert source
- Expiration time (sec) : Expiration time (in sec) for one alert source connect request By default, set to 2
This is where you view the storage device details
Storage Device Details - Volume List
Storage Device Details - Volume Expanded
Storage Device Details - Storage Pool List
Storage Device Details - Storage Pool Expanded
Storage Device Details - Controller List
Storage Device Details - Controller Expanded
Storage Device Details - Ports List
Storage Device Details - Ports Expanded
Storage Device Details - Disks List
Storage Device Details - Disks Expanded
This is where you view the performance monitoring information across the storage devices
This Alertmanager link in the sidebar menu launches the Alertmanager UI.